(Frisian for ‘Welcome to the Fatherland’) functioned as a think-tank, meeting place and artist-in-residency and aimed to reflect on the topics of cultural identity and migration within a local, Frisian, context. The public was invited to join one or more round table conversations on every Wednesday and Saturday evening throughout the 5 weeks of the project. Every 10 days a new artist worked on site to create work in response to the aforesaid topics. Guest speakers from different areas of expertise reflected on the issues presented by the project. They communicated their visions to the public by means of presentations, screenings, interviews and lectures. The artists Jonas Staal, Katarina Zdjelar, Misja Immink, Iratxe Jaio and Klaas van Gorkum were invited to respond to these topics. They developed their own proposals during the duration of the project.